Jul 12Liked by Tina Sederholm

Hi wonderful Tina, I thought I'd share my favourite, quite surprising, tool. A brilliant coach I worked with (Poh Lin Lee at www.narrativeimaginings.com) suggested I keep a pad open by my side when I write, and write down all the things the inner critic says. It sounds counter-intuitive, but I've found it really does the trick. As soon as the criticism is on paper, it's cleared out of the mind and I can get on with the actual writing. Then as an extra bonus, I have the list of things it's said, most of which is utter trash, but some snippets can actually be quite useful when it comes to editing. I hope others find this useful! Massive gratitude to you always for your brilliant editing help xx

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What a great idea. I do something similar, when I am getting jumpy and don't know where to start with a topic. I write a list of all the reasons I am not going to write today....and oh look, I'm writing....

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Jul 12Liked by Tina Sederholm

When I remember......

I slow down, I listen and I keep listening, passing no judgement just listening until my inner critic has said all she needs to say. And then I ask her what she would really like to do right now. If possible I go do that thing... it might be sleep, it might be go for a walk, it might be make a cup of tea or phone a friend and it also might be, the very thing I was initially 'afraid' to start doing....

Thank you Tina... I really enjoyed this weeks post! (BTW... when does your podcast start again?) x

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When Neil gets on with the editing!

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I’m right here guys, right here.

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Jul 12Liked by Tina Sederholm

I talk to my friend Tina and she talks me out of it!

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